Monday, November 12, 2012

A Cold and Rainy Day. My newest poem.

A cold and rainy day. The beautiful Fall leaves outside have fallen and the sky is dreary and bleak. It feels like the world is dying slowly, together, as the cold rain falls slowly and steadily.
I am here with you.
You are here with me.

A broken heart inside. A heart broken for injustice and confusion and not-rightedness in this world. A heart screaming for the beauty of what should be. A heart beating itself up because it is just not there yet; it has not yet arrived.
I am here with you.
You are here with me.

A tear in my eye. A tear that knows the bitterness and the pain and the frustration held inside. A tear filled and impregnated with it all. With all the junk that fills it all. A tear that wants to come pouring and is so close to falling but something holds it back and it cannot go forward to take the plunge.
I am here with you.
You are here with me.

A beloved child who is just not sure of it all. A beloved child who is not quite sure where You are or what You are doing or where You are leading. A beloved child who has found her voice but is not quite sure how to use it. A beloved child filled with anger, frustration, bitterness, fire. A fire that holds on tight and will not let go because it knows that things are just not right.
I am here with you.
You are here with me.

A fire inside my heart. A fire inside my heart that burns and consumes. A fire that gets teased by situation and insecurity and is tempted to let itself be put out but somehow finds a way to come back anyway. A fire that also brings a stillness to know that things can change. Progress can be made, things can get done.
I am here with you.
You are here with me.

A stirring. A stirring in the heart that is lit on fire, a stirring that knows there is more. There is more here, there is more there, than just leaves blowing aimlessly and worthlessly in the wind. There is more to me, there is more to you, there is more to life. There is more to this time, this season, this stretch of the journey. There is more. Much, much more.
I am here with you.
You are here with me.

Darkness sets in on this cold and rainy day. Darkness that, though it is indeed darkness, is strong and beautiful and powerful and important. How important darkness is, that we may see the light. The light that will come in the morning, the light that will come soon enough.
I am here with you.
You are here with me.

I am here with you; you are here with me.

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